
Journal Articles, Book Chapters and Peer-Reviewed Papers

Simulation Tools for Social Performance. In Paradigms of Performativity. Mitra Kanaani (ed.). Routledge, Abingdon: 2019 – forthcoming.

Agent Based Semiology for Simulation and Prediction of Contemporary Spatial Occupation Patterns. In Christoph Gengnagel et al. (eds.). DSMB 2019. Impact: Design With All Senses. pp 648-661, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29829-6_50. With Mathias Fuchs.

The Best Building Money Can Buy. In Asset Urbanism 3. Ali Rahim (ed.). University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Philadelphia: 2018. ISBN 978-1940743738.

Capitalism as an Urban Catalyst. In Asset Urbanism 2. Ali Rahim, Robert Neumayr (eds.). University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Philadelphia: 2016. ISBN 978-1495177354.

Symbiotic Strategies. In Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture. ISSN 1221-5848.

Parametric Predispositions. In ARHITECTURA“digitalism” 04-05 2015. U.A.R. Bucuresti: 2015. ISSN 1220-3254.

Structural Semiology. The Semiological Potentials of Tectonic Shell Structures. In T+A. Time + Architecture. No. 2014-5. ISSN 1005-684X.

Deep Surfaces – Digital Research and Affective Material Conditions. In The Design and Fabrication of Innovative Forms in a Continuum. Maria Voyatzaki (ed.). 2010. ISBN 978-960-99008-1-2.

Associative Processes – Adaptive Potential of Script Based and Generative Design. In Design Modelling Symposium 2009. Christoph Gengnagel (ed.). University of the Arts, Berlin: 2009. ISBN 978-3-89462-177-3. With Michael Budig.

Generative Processes. Script Based Design Research in Contemporary Teaching Practice. In Innovative Design and Construction Technologies. Building Complex Shapes and Beyond. Ingrid Paoletti (ed.).Maggioli, Santarcongelo: 2009. ISBN 978-88387-4369-X. With Michael Budig.

experimentalna architektura. Martina Jakusova (ed.) in conversation with Robert Neumayr. In ASB – architektura stavebnictva biznis magazine. Nr. 09/2008. Bratislava, Slovakia.

Topotransegrity. Responsive Environments. In responsive architectures – subtle technologies. Philip Beesley et al. (eds.). Riverside Architectural Press, Toronto: 2006. ISBN 0-9780978-0-7.

Non-Linear Responsive Environments. In GameSetAndMatch II. Kas Oosterhuis, Lukas Feireiss (eds.). Delft University of Technology, Delft: 2006. ISBN 9-0597-3036-4.

Adaptive Spatial Organisations. In SFT Congress Dokumentation 2005. HEMA Event GmbH (ed.). CD-Rom, Bremen: 2005.

Articles and Publications about my Research:

Agent Based Parametric Semiology. In Understanding Art and Research. Gerald Bast G., Alexander Damianisch, Barbara Putz-Plecko (eds.). Universität für Angewandte Kunst, Wien: 2018. ISBN 978-3950432350.

Ou les Immeubles s’animent! Schmitt, Amandine. In Planète Robots. Nouvelles Techniques du Futur. Nr. 2 Février/Mars 2010. ISSN: 2106-3133.

DRL TEN: a design research compendium. Tom Verebes, Yusuke Ubuchi, Patrik Schumacher (eds.). AA publication, London: 2008. ISBN 978-1902902654.

The Design Research Lab. Brett Steele. In AD Vol. 75 No. 5: Back To School: Architectural Education – the Information and the Argument. Michael Chadwick (ed.). Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chicester: 2004. ISSN 0003-8504.

brain cells – aa d[r]l. Brett Steele. In fast forward >> hot spot brain cells. Neil Leach et al. (eds.). MAP book publishers, Hong Kong: 2004. ISBN 962-86040-7-4.

Diversifying Digital Architecture. 2003 FEIDAD Award. Yu-Tung Liu (ed.). Birkhauser Publishers for Architecture, Basel: 2004. ISBN 3-7643-7160-9.

Outlook. Visionäre Projekte: Interaktive kinetische Architektur-Strukturen. In Intelligente Architektur. Zeitschrift für Architektur und Technik. No. 46, 05-06/2004. Verlagsanstalt Alexander Koch.

Agora: Dreams and Visions. In L’ARCA. Revista internationale di architettura, design e communicatione visiva No. 191/2004. ISSN 0394-2147.

Utopia Beach. Wettbewerb visionärer Architektur in Miami entschieden. In baunetz.de – aktuelle meldungen. http://www.baunetz.de/db/news/index.php?news_id=78118

The Power of the Unbuilt. Electronic Competition: Possible Futures II. In arch’it – rivista digitale di architettura. http://architettura.supereva.it/files/20040218/index.htm

Projects Review 02/03 Architectural Association London. Architectural Association (ed.). AA Publications, London: 2003. ISBN 1-902902-35-1.

wink. augmented environments. b consultants (eds.). 10th Planet Publishing CD-Rom, London: 2003.

Latent Utopias – Experiments within Contemporary Architecture. Zaha Hadid, Patrik Schumacher (eds.). Springer Verlag, Wien: 2002. ISBN 3-211-83865-1.

Projects Review 01/02 Architectural Association London. Architectural Association (ed.). AA Publications, London: 2002. ISBN 1-902902-28-9.

11 écoles d’architecture. Catalogue de l’exposition à archilab 2002, Orleans. Marie-Ange Brayer (ed.). Editions Hyx, Orleans: 2002. ISBN 2-910385-27-2.

Articles and Publications about my Work as an Educator:

Studio Kazuyo Sejima: Island City Village River. Anna Gulinska, Indre Umrasaite (eds.). Institute of Architecture, University of Applied Arts, Vienna: 2019. ISBN 978-3-9504431-0-3.

Asset Urbanism 3. Ali Rahim (ed.). University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Philadelphia: 2018. ISBN 978-1940743738.

Baukunst aus Reformgeist. Die Architekturschule der Angewandten. Matthias Boeckl. In Ästhetik der Veränderung. Gerald Bast, Anja Seipersbusch-Hufschmied, Patrick Werkner (eds.). De Gruyter, Berlin: 2017. ISBN 978-3-11-052517-5.

Eight Pencil Towers, Manhattan. In Pressing Matters 6. Winka Dubbeldam, Scott Loeffler, Maria Teichler (eds.). University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Philadelphia: 2016. ISBN 978-1-940743-06-6.

Asset Urbanism 2. Ali Rahim, Robert Neumayr (eds.). University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Philadelphia: 2016. ISBN 978-1495177354.

Recovering Old, Recreating Youth. Busan International Architecture Design Workshop. Busan International Architecture Culture Festival (ed.). Busan: 2016.

Asset Architecture, Manhattan. In Pressing Matters 5. Winka Dubbeldam, Maria Teichler (eds.). University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Philadelphia: 2016. ISBN 978-0-9796087-06-6.

Promisiuni. In ARHITECTURA. “digitalism” 04-05 2015. U.A.R. Bucuresti: 2015. ISSN 1220-3254.

Sematectonic Fields. In Digital Factory. Neil Leach et al. (eds.). China Architectural & Building Press, Beijing: 2015.

Fluid Totality. Studio Zaha Hadid. Projects 2000 – 2015. Institute of Architecture Angewandte et al. (eds.). Birkhäuser Verlag, Wien: 2015. ISBN 978-3035606256

Hadid Masterclass: A laboratory of design innovation. In Educating Architects. How tomorrow’s practicioners will learn today. Neil Spiller, Nick Clear (eds.). Thames & Hudson, London: 2014. ISBN 978-0-500-34300-5.

Transformable Antarctic Research Facility. In ANTARCTOPIA. Alexander Ponomarev (ed.). Oceanic Fund Projects: 2014. ISBN 978-88-97645-20-7.

Order + Complexity + Contradiction. In DESIGN INTELIGENCE. Advanced Computational Research. Xu Weiguo, Neil Leach (eds.). China Architecture & Building Press: 2013. ISBN 978-7-112-15842-3.

en{CODED}fields. Bogdan Zaha. In ARHITECTURA Nr. 4(646)/2013. Oktober 2013. U.A.R. Bucuresti, Wien: 2013. ISSN 1220-3254.

Interiorities. In STUDIOPLEX volume 1: Architecture, a timely matter. UCLA Architecture and Urban Design (ed.). University of California, Los Angeles: 2012. ISBN 978-4-86417-061-1.

Common Ground – Die Architekturbiennale 2012. Matthias Boeck,. In architektur aktuell No. 392. November 2012. Springer Verlag, Wien: 2012. ISSN 0570-6602 AAKTA7 46 (392).

Total Fluidity. Studio Zaha Hadid. Projects 2000 – 2010. Institute of Architecture Angewandte et al. (eds.). Springer Verlag, Wien; 2011. ISBN 978-3-7091-0486-6.

Le tesi di Vienna. In ABITARE – Being Zaha Hadid. No. 511 04/2011. Editrice Abitare Segesta spa, Milano: 2011. ISSN 0001-3218.

Compressed Complexity. In AD – Digital Cities. Vol. 79 July/August 2009. Neil Leach (ed.). John Wiley & Sons, London: 2009. ISSN 0003-8504.

Facades And Flow. In icon – architecture and design. Issue 053. November 2007. Media 10 Limited, Epping: 2007. ISSN 1479-9456.

Articles and Publications about my Professional Work and Projects:

Weikersdorf Castle Residence & Spa Annex. In 2018 BUGAIK International Architecture Exhibition. BUGAIK (ed.). Jinju (Korea): 2018. ISSN 2586-2839.

Raimundtheater, Wien: Sanierung und Modernisierung. Franziska Leeb. In architektur. aktuell. the art of building. No. 6.2018.Architektur Aktuell GmbH, Wien. ISSN 0570-6602.

Über den Dächern von Wien. Peter Reischer. In architektur fachmagazin. No. 01. Februar 2018.Laser Verlag GmbH, Perchtoldsdorf. ISSN 1606-4550.

Little Sister in A Dress. In 2017 BUGAIK International Architecture Exhibition.BUGAIK (ed.). Busan (Korea): 2017.

Casa Nina. In 2016 BUGAIK International Architecture Exhibition.BUGAIK (ed.). Jinju (Korea): 2016.

Casa Nina. In Gebaut: 2010 – 2015. Ausstellung der Magistratsabteilung 19.Magistrat der Stadt Wien (ed.). Wien: 2016. ISBN 978-3-903003-05-7.

Ein Refugium am Dach. Susanne Mitterbauer. In Besser Wohnen – Die österreichische Wohnzeitschrift. No. 08/2016. August 2016. Besser Wohnen Verlagsges.m.b.H., Wien: 2016.

Vertikal verbunden. Theresa Kopper. In Kurier, Ausgabe vom 05. 12.2015. Wien.

Gradlinig, reduziert, gemütlich. Maria Schoiswohl. In Die Presse, Ausgabe vom 12./13. 09.2015. Wien.

Casa Nina. In Häuser des Jahres 2015.Walter Bachmann (ed.). Calwey Verlag, München: 2015. ISBN 3-766721666.

Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeschule Wilhelminenspital, Wien 16. In wettbewerbe architekturjournal. No. 310 4/2013. September/Oktober 2013. Bohmann Druck und Verlag GmbH, Wien: 2013.

Büro- und Geschäftsgebäude Wien, Rasumofskygasse. In wettbewerbe architekturjournal. No. 310 4/2013. September/Oktober 2013. Bohmann Druck und Verlag GmbH, Wien: 2013.

Erweiterung Universität für Angewandte Kunst. In wettbewerbe architekturjournal. No. 303 2/2012. Mai/Juni 2012. Bohmann Druck und Verlag GmbH, Wien: 2012.

Ein bisschen Erleuchtung für Fünfhaus. Bettina Fernsebner-Kokert In Der Standard. Ausgabe vom 25. 11. 2010. Wien.

Strandhäuser an der Donau. Caro Jäger-Klein. In architektur & bau forum #322, Nr. 11, Juni 2007.

Eine Strandbad- und Strandhausarchitektur der Zukunft. In Die Architektur der Klosterneuburger Strandbäder und Wochenendkolonien. Jäger-Klein C. et al. Stadtgemeinde Klosterneuburg, Klosterneuburg: 2007.

Alte Fenster auf neuem Standard. Thomas Reim, Martin Treberspurg. In architektur & bau forum #307, Nr. 18, Oktober 2006.

Unbebaubar? Das gibt’s nicht!Iris Meder. In Die Presse. Ausgabe 17.628 vom 11./12. 10. 2006. Wien.

Leer statt Voll. Logieren über den Dächern. Alexander Lass. In Der Standard. Ausgabe 5.413 vom 28./29. 10. 2006. Wien.

Cabana pe Dunare, langa Viena. In Case din Lemn pe Mapamond.Nr. 1, Februar 2005. Mega Press, Bukarest.

Splash!. In Shift Japan, Vol. 070 June 2003. http://www.shift.jp.org/world/070/vienna.shtml

Adresse am Wasser. In WOHNEN – Das österreichische Wohnmagazin, Ausgabe 06/03. Wohnen Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH, Wien.

Europan 6 Austria. Architectural Dynamics And New Urbanity. Europan Austria (eds.). edition selene, Wien: 2002. ISBN 3-85266-200-1.

europan 6 – „Zwischenorte / In Between Cities“. Didier Rebois (ed.). Europan Verlag, Paris: 2001. ISBN 2-914296-06-1.

cross.section 02. wohnbau+entwerfen tu wien 96/97. Institut für Wohnbau + Entwerfen, TU Wien (ed.). wit-Verlag, Wien: 1997.

Other Articles and Texts:

Na gut, dann kürzen wir das Ding – Im Gespräch mit Caro Jäger & Diether S. Hoppe. In Ich bin ein Glücksbestrahlter. HOPPE architekten ZTGmbH. (ed.). Wien: 2018. ISBN 978-3-200-06127-9.

Bitte mehr Gelassenheit! In der Plan. Nr. 37. Arch+Ing – Kammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten für Wien, NÖ und Bgld. Mai 2016.

at least surprise! In Fluid Totality. Studio Zaha Hadid. Projects 2000 – 2015. Institute of Architecture Angewandte et al. (eds.). Birkhäuser Verlag, Wien; 2015. ISBN 978-3035606256

Psychische Räume zwischen Langeweile und Verwirrung. In W.M.PÜHRINGER. Bleistift Buntstift auf Papier. HOPPE architekten ZTGmbH. (ed.). Wien: 2013.

Editorial and Curatorial Work:

Co-editor of Asset Urbanism 2. Ali Rahim, Robert Neumayr (eds.). University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Philadelphia: 2016. ISBN 978-1495177354.

Member of the editorial team of Asset Urbanism 1. Ali Rahim (ed.). University of Pennsylvania School of Design, Pennsylvania: 2015. ISBN 978-1495177354.

Contributing Editor to Massive Attack IAO Lecture Series: Selected Friends and Enimies. Wolf Prix, Kristy Balliet (eds.). Birkhäuser, Wien: 2015. ISBN 978-3990434581.

Member of the editorial team of Fluid Totality. Studio Zaha Hadid. Projects 2000 – 2015. Institute of Architecture Angewandte et al. (eds.). Birkhäuser Verlag, Wien: 2015. ISBN 978-3035606256

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